Conscience or Consciousness?

I stumbled upon a profound contemplation that resonated deeply with my inner journey:

"A man who lives through conscience becomes hard. A man who lives through consciousness remains soft." - Osho, from 'Take it Easy.'

This quote struck a chord with me because it highlighted a fundamental aspect of my own personal growth. I've come to realise that when I confront fear, an overactive conscience can inadvertently harden my approach to life. It's as if my mind becomes a fortress, fortified by rigid rules and judgments, ultimately intensifying my fears and keeping me from embracing new experiences.

What I truly appreciate about Osho's wisdom is its invitation to reevaluate our approach to living. It encourages us to embrace a conscious way of life that prioritises spontaneity, authenticity, and emotional openness. By shedding the confines of our own inflexible habits, often forged by the weight of the scars of a challenging childhood, we create space for maturing and deeper connections with others. This shift in perspective allows us to perceive life as an unfolding journey of discovery, swinging open the door to a richer, more fulfilling experience of the world, liberated from unnecessary constraints. It's a contemplation that has been instrumental in freeing my inner being, guiding me towards a softer, more conscious existence.

Life often requires us to seek equilibrium rather than make stark choices between opposing extremes. Reflecting on Osho's wisdom regarding living through conscience or consciousness, it becomes apparent that our attention and awareness hold profound influence over how we perceive and react to life's challenges. What truly matters is our ability to be mindful and conscious when deciding our course of action, considering the unique demands of each moment and our own path of development, knowing we have a choice. It's the art of striking a harmonious chord between our inner moral compass and our capacity to embrace the diverse and enriching abundance of life's experiences.


Balancing Life's Weight with Yoga


Linked by the Web of Existence